The following is a Guest Blog Post from my friend, Jeff Herring
Content is the basis of EVERYTHING online. Creating your content and then marketing it well is how you profit from your content online.
Create It
The key to successful content creation is to be prolific. What most people do is wind up staring at a blank screen. I don’t want you to do what most people do because most people are broke.
Instead of staring at a blank screen I want you to use templates. Create a 7 tips article or a 3 mistakes article. Then all you have to do is fill in the blanks with your information.
Another great way to become prolific is to just write on regular basis (you do this already, right?!). Make it a habit, and you’ll find yourself the flow.
Market it
So many people create their content and then do nothing with it. Again, don’t be most people.
There are so many ways to market your content that you really can’t run out of ideas. Start with your blog. Then post your article on EzineArticles and other top Article Directories. Next is Social Media. Use your article content or parts of your content on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn. You can also turn your content into teleseminars and webinars.
Convert It Into Products & Services and Sell It
What most people do not realize is that while you are creating your content you are also creating your information products.
For example, a simple 7 tips article expanded on easily becomes a great eBook. In a similar way, a collection of several articles on a specific topic gathered into one document becomes an ebook or mini-guide.
And that’s really just getting started. There is so much more you can do. One of the best ways to offer an info product is in multimedia, and you can easily create print, audio and video training from your content.
Photo courtesy Shutterstock, Rawpixel