One key element in the success of a business is consistency. Consistency is what builds brand recognition and trust. To gain the confidence of potential customers and maintain the confidence your current customers and clients have in you, it’s essential to have a product or service they can rely on.

Build Trust by Being Consistent with Your Marketing

Be Consistent with Your Marketing

One key element in the success of a business is consistency. Consistency is what builds brand recognition and trust. To gain the confidence of potential customers and maintain the confidence your current customers and clients have in you, it’s essential to have a product or service they can rely on.

Imagine going out to eat at your favorite café for lunch and absolutely enjoy your entrée, Chipotle Chicken Charm on Ciabatta. Your tastebuds jump up and down in ecstasy with every bite! You can hardly wait to go back. However, the next time you go and order the same thing it tastes completely different. They now use a different kind of bread and the chipotle mayo isn’t as robust as before. You decide to give them another chance and return a few weeks later. Now they’re using turkey instead of chicken for the same menu item. How in the world can they get away with calling it Chipotle Chicken Charm on Ciabatta when it’s made with turkey, it’s no longer “charming,” and it’s now served on pumpernickel? Their lack of consistency in meal preparation leaves you dubious about returning.

If your customers have reservations about your brand’s ability to deliver the same quality consistently, it will take enormous efforts to build trust again. While it isn’t impossible to do, you’ll essentially have to start from scratch in the confidence department. When you work consistently on providing excellent products or services, you’ll keep your customers happy and returning to you time and time again.

Have you ever had the experience of signing up on an email list for something you had great interest in? For the first couple weeks you get emails that provide value and then weeks go by without anything. The weeks turn into a couple months and when you finally get an email or newsletter again you don’t even remember signing up for it or who the person is! By then you may have lost interest or found something better that you can depend on. Likewise, if you’ve fallen into the same trap with your own inconsistent marketing, it will be difficult to win your former customers over again.

Be Consistent with Your Brand Image

Have you noticed how many “experts” there are, each claiming to have the strategies to earning six or seven digit incomes? And each time you see their advertisement they appear different or are offering a “new and improved” program? How do you know which one works and which expert can be trusted with your money and time? Do your recognize their name or brand? What kind of reputation do the have? What are their reviews like?

When it comes to marketing your own brand, consistency and repetition will help develop name recognition. If your website, emails, and profile photo always implement matching colors, design, and the same logo, people will make a connection to your business. Stick with the same branding. Create something you like and use it with consistency so that you and your product or service is always recognized.

Engaged audiences and followers are those who already like what you have to say, are eager to do business with you, and trust you. These are the people who will be your cheerleaders and recommend your products or services to others, thereby growing your business.

Being consistent is a simple way to keep your audience engaged!

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