To authors everywhere, book reviews are like gold. One good review can be worth ten, twenty, or even one hundred book sales. So it’s no surprise authors always want reviews. But when should yo[...]
All Posts By
Kristen Joy Laidig
Who would drive 8,141 miles in 25 days, covering 26 states and stopping to visit 15 friends and family and 11 National Parks along the way? Apparently, this girl. Let me tell you, this country is[...]
Too often we go through life trying to do everything the hard way – or worse – expecting people around us to be able to read our minds. This is especially the case in client-vendor re[...]
I travel. A lot. I go to business conferences and travel for research and writing retreats all over the world. Here are some NEW work-while-you-travel tips I learned in the past few days: Have My[...]
Writing a book isn’t easy. As the wise Ernest Hemingway observed, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Fiction, non-fiction, memoir, even childre[...]
Once again, I found articles posted on Facebook about Barnes & Noble closing its doors – this time for good. As you can imagine, with B&N being one of the last standing brick and m[...]
Whether you believe in God or not, I personally believe chocolate was divinely inspired specifically for Mondays. This morning was tough. I woke up with a major headache (so much so that I had to[...]
I don’t know about you, but Mondays usually greet me with a HUGE to-do list that makes me dizzy just thinking about it. It’s one of the reasons I want to stay in bed a little longer, or flee[...]
Last week I was perusing Sesame Street songs (yes, every so often I embrace my inner Muppet!) and came across this little gem… Here’s the thing – this song has an amazing meani[...]
When I was growing up, one of my favorite hot chocolate mugs was a Garfield mug that said, “I hate Mondays.” Out of the dozens of mugs we owned (for a non-coffee-drinking family, we owned a l[...]