It’s Kindle Monday!! That means this week’s Kindle book (that I wrote and published in just one week as part of my personal Kindle Monday challenge) is up and ready for you! I’ll admit, I totally lost my mojo this week. Writer’s block hit, among other things, so stay tuned on Thursday for my weekly newsletter and blog article on how I got my mojo back (it hit at about 9pm Wednesday night!) and how I pressed on and pushed through to get this e-book done and published.
There’s a lot more to having a successful book signing than just selling books, and many authors don’t know where to start, what to expect, or the many places available to hold a signing. That’s why this week’s Kindle Monday book is Author’s Guide to Having a Successful Book Signing!
This weekend my husband had his second ever book signing for his new book, Herby Gets a Life. The day before his signing, we sat down and had a two-hour VIP coaching session (yep, he’s one of my coaching clients…lol!) where we outlined a plan to maximize his connections and reach during the signing.
About the e-book:
Book signings are long from dead. They’re an excellent way to present yourself as an expert and celebrity to your fans. This guide will show you:
- Where to hold book signings—There are a lot more places than book stores open to you as an author. Find out where!
- The exact steps to get your book in mainstream book stores like Barnes and Noble—and what to say to get on their book signing calendar.
- When the best time is to hold a book signing, what to have with you, around you, and how to attract people to your signing table from across the room.
- What crucial step to take to make sure your fans stick around and get more from you.
By the time you’re done reading this e-book, you’ll have everything you need for a successful book signing event!
Click here to grab your own copy today!
Photo courtesy Shutterstock, Africa Studio