Recently Tony & I each read a tiny, yet mega-thought-provoking book called The Abundance Book. I finished it on our honeymoon—literally the day before all this stuff started happening.
Now I don’t believe in woo-woo so much or “if-you-build-it-and-sit-on-your-ass-and-do-nothing they will come…” BUT I do believe that if you focus with intention and clarity and just stay open to possibility, “magic” can happen. I’m just starting to dip my toes into this amazing world and I now understand why my BFF Natalie has re-branded herself as a “Magical Unicorn,” because that’s really the only way to explain this effect… besides the fact I literally rubbed shoulders with her over the wedding so some of her “magic” rubbed off on me (there’s something to be said for spending time with like-minded people in person and also people on a higher plane of understanding than yourself)… but I digress…
I’ve started keeping a GoodNotes doc on all this magical stuff just so I can keep it straight in my head. Because besides it happening, it’s happening FAST, in ways I just can’t fully understand yet. And while I need to read The Abundance Book probably 5 more times to really understand it (many paragraphs I had to read three times and still can’t wrap my brain around its so-simple-yet-so-complex-to-understand methodologies), all I know is that it’s way too much to be a coincidence that all this started happening the day after I finished reading that book… and that there’s been so much of it happening.
Magical Event #1
So the day I finished reading it, we hung out at Doc’s Rocks, my favorite rock shop. We bought 4 large buckets, sifted through and ordered 15 rocks we found to be cut, hung out with my friends “Doc” & Trina who run the place, and made plans to treat them to pizza for dinner at our favorite pizza joint. As everyone was getting ready to leave, Tony asked Doc about the life-sized dinosaurs he had outside the shop and where he got them. Doc got super excited and asked, “Are you looking for dinos?” and Tony said, “Well, sort of. We’ve been talking about it and I have companies contacting me saying they’ll build whatever I want.” Then Doc said, “Let me take you up to the Museum upstairs. I have some I’m willing to part with.”
Turns out the Fossil Museum had plans for a dino walk outside and AFTER they purchased all the dinos, most of them animatronic (also on Tony’s wish list), their approval for the walk was removed due to the company that owned the land wanting to build a different attraction there. So now the museum had about 10 life-sized, fully custom-built, paleontology-accurate dinosaurs they couldn’t use and had no room for anymore. As he gazed up at them all, Tony lit up like a kid visiting the Disney Store for the first time ever and Doc said that he’d bring his paperwork on them to dinner.
Now, we didn’t have any high hopes on pricing and we were just exploring this idea, so what happened next sort of shocked us. The dinos we’d priced were around $2,000-6,000 each depending on if they had animatronics or not. These TEN ended up pricing out at soooooooooo much less because he gave them to us at his cost… which, I don’t even know if I’m allowed to say what it was because it was a hell of a deal!
We didn’t think this was a “done deal” as we just casually chit-chatted about it over dinner, so the next day when I got a text from Trina with photos of the dinos shrink-wrapped on skids ready for pickup… and a note that the freight company was picking them up the next morning, I was a little shocked. First, we didn’t have the full amount to pay for them… yet. Second, we were still on our honeymoon! As it works out, Doc was just so excited we wanted them, he worked out a payment plan starting with just covering the freight to get them out of his crowded museum… so now we have 10 life-sized dinosaurs that all got delivered yesterday.
Magical Event #2
Magical event #2 happened the same day I got the text with the dino photos. We’d been talking about getting glass doors for our glass display cases in the PlaySpace to help with dust, cleaning, and potential breaking of expensive artwork. We had already decided to hunt them down when we got home from our honeymoon when I got a call from the guy who sold us the shelves in the first place saying he found some doors. Less than 24 hours after the above dino conversation began. Seriously. And not just “some” doors, but when I picked them up yesterday, there were enough (probably more than enough) to outfit EVERY display case in the entire PlaySpace! I was totally not expecting that. And he gave them to me for free. WHOA!
Magical Events #3 & 4
These events started the day before yesterday. We’ve been putting off the sunroom builders due to having so many huge expenses all at once: Final PlaySpace contractors, the wedding, etc. The sunroom company manager called me (instead of the typical receptionist call I get once a week) and told me about a special deal that just came across his desk for financing he thought we’d be perfect for. Due to our just getting married and my multiple names on tax returns, I wasn’t sure how it would all work out, but the very short story is that in less than 24 hours we had 12-months, zero interest, 100% financing for our sunroom… AND word that the room would be fully installed and FINISHED in about 3 weeks. HOLY COW. (This is a HUGE blessing to us as now we’ll have space to have family and friends over for dinner!)
The same day he told me about the deal (it closed last night), I asked our contractors if our meeting with the bank next week went well, if they could build in the fall and winter for the addition on the house so we didn’t have to wait until May of next year. They said, “No problem, we’ve worked outside in six feet of snow before.” And the clincher? It won’t cost us ANY extra. WOW.
Magical Event #5
Finally, magical event #5 happened yesterday. We’ve been talking about getting little jewelry cards to hold earrings & displays for selling jewelry at Comic Cons and such. We’ve bought a couple things just to try them out with the intention of getting serious about it once the wedding was out of the way (I’m sensing a theme there… lol). I was browsing Facebook yesterday afternoon and one of the artists I’m friends with posted that she was getting rid of stuff, and just asked people to cover shipping. She put up an album and much of what she was getting rid of was jewelry packaging supplies! So for the cost of shipping we’re getting a bunch of them to try out. That’s a small thing, but I’m tracking all these magical events now, no matter how small, because like I said earlier, there’s been WAY too many to just be a coincidence.
So now I’m paying attention, staying open, and being very intentional about what I want. ALL of this stuff happened in the course of less than one week. I can’t imagine if I can tap into this as a lifestyle… Anything truly is possible, and it ALL starts with a simple switch in the brain—a mindset shift.
How have you been seeing “magic” in your own life? Post in the comments below! (And pick up your copy of The Abundance Book today. It’s short, worth the read, and a book that will change your life!)
Kathleen Gresham
November 21, 2016Wow, After reading this, I bought the book.
Is that your playspace? It is wonderful!
Kristen Joy
December 1, 2016 Kathleen GreshamHi Kathleen! Yep, that’s the PlaySpace. It looks a little different now that it’s finished and almost fully set up! 🙂
Crystal Dean
September 22, 2016Great concept! I need to read that book. Good things are happening to me as well. Thanks for sharing!