Kindle Monday – Wait, it’s Tuesday?!


If you’ve been keeping up with me over the past week or so, you know my coach challenged me to write and publish a brand spankin’ new Kindle book every week through the end of 2013. (Click here to read all about the challenge.)

I’ve been releasing a new e-book in the new Author’s Quick Guide series each Monday and plan to continue doing so until December 30 despite rain, sleet, hail, snow, holidays, retreats, technology issues, and above all, busy season for my business.

So why is Kindle Monday on Tuesday?

Technically Kindle Monday was still Monday, as the e-book was “live” and this Monday’s announcement went out late Monday night… but the official blog announcement (this post) just went out today. Why? Because life isn’t perfect. 🙂 Surprise, I know! My VA in charge of sending out emails is a nomad for a couple weeks as she’s moving from Oklahoma to Georgia – and is waiting for her new apartment to be ready. Combine that with me spending five lovely days at the beach over this past weekend (yep, that’s me writing the next book in this series in the pic above!), and you’ve got the makings of “stuff” getting in the way…

BUT the new e-book did get up (actually it went live on Sunday!) and the promo email did go out, so my list did get the announcement, and the new e-book is already in the top 100 best-sellers for its category!

Finding Your Target Market-COVER1

So what’s this week’s e-book all about???

Marketing your book is the hardest, longest part of the publishing process. If you don’t know exactly who your target market is, your marketing plan will be as effective as an archer hanging upside-down by a rope from a 20-foot high branch trying to hit the bulls eye on a target 100 yards away… while blindfolded!

This e-book will help you answer the two most fundamental questions for your book’s marketing plan:

  • WHO is your target audience? and
  • WHERE do you find them?

Click here to grab this e-book today and begin your book marketing journey with success!


Photo courtesy Shutterstock, Jirsak

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